Jared Brabant
MS Student:
Jared is interested in Missouri bumble bee communities and their floral resource usage. His main project investigates the effects that seed source has on bumble bee visitation to native wildflowers.
Email: jmbmdb [at] mail.missouri.edu

Leah Gastonguay
PhD Student:
Leah is a MU Life Science Fellow. Her research focuses on the pollination and biocontrol services of syrphid flies. She's interested in developing methods to maximize these ecosystem services in crop environments.
Email: lg7mb [at] mail.missouri.edu

Josh Klostermann
PhD Student:
Josh is a student of melittology, botany, and community ecology with the goal of being a regional expert in these fields. His current research is focused on the effects of landscape disturbance and restoration on bee and wasp communities. He is an avid wildlife photographer and all-around bug nut.
Email: jpkhr9 [at] missouri.edu

Terry Woods
Research Specialist:
Terry Woods studies best practices for the establishment and management of bumble bee and monarch habitat. He is heavily involved with pollinator outreach and education around the state.

Emma Critchfield
Undergraduate Researcher:
Emma is an undergraduate researcher studying the behavioral interactions between aphids and their natural enemies.

Binita Shrestha
M.S. 2017
Project title: Quantifying the effects of insectary plants on the abundance of natural enemies: implications for controlling insect pests in an organic cabbage eco-system?

Harper LaFond
M.S. 2020
Project title: Potential vectors of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus in Missouri

Brittani Alexander
M.S. 2016
Project title: Habitat manipulations to enhance abundance and diversity of native bees in Helianthus annuus

Joe LaRose
M.S. 2018
Project title: Grasshopper and bee communities on Missouri prairies: comparing remnants and reconstructions

Camila de Oliveira (2009-2011) A negative effect of a pathogen on its vector? A plant pathogen increases the vulnerability of its vector to attack by natural enemies
Andrew Fill (2010-2011) Non-consumptive effects of a natural enemy on a non-prey herbivore population
Jeb Newman (2010) Do predator non-consumptive and consumptive effects scale with density in the same manner?
Kathryn Ingerslew (2011-2012) Parasitoid interactions mediated by non-consumptive effects
Joe Krauska (2014-2015) The contribution of non-consumptive effects to the biological control of pest caterpillars
Tanner Leslie (2016-2018) Optimizing the use of cover crops to suppress weeds, enhance soil health, and attract beneficial insects in an organic watermelon system
Harper Smith (2017-2018) Effect of abiotic stress on parasitoid-host interactions
Mason Ward (2018-2022) Say yes to the host: The effects of drought on parasitoid wasp behavior
Kelsi Glover (2020-2021) Host plant species impact on prey susceptibility